She’s the First’s Chapter Community FAQs

Please see below for our most asked questions and answers — feel free to use the search option (Ctrl+F or CMD+F) to help narrow down what you’re looking for! If you still can’t find what you need, contact us.

STF Basics

+ What does it mean to be a "501(c)3, tax-deductible, or non-profit" organization, legally?

She’s the First, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, legally recognized and regulated by the United States government. This means that all donations are tax-exempt under US tax code – something that may help you solicit donations from businesses or people writing large checks. Our EIN number for tax purposes is 65-1321437 and the official letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may be found here. Keep it handy!

Unfortunately, She's the First is not registered as a non-profit organization outside of the United States and does not have the expertise to advise chapters that are not located in the US on specific tax and compliance-related issues.

+ So is my Chapter also a 501(c)3 organization?

Even if your chapter is based in the United States, it is very important to understand that according to the IRS, your chapter is not a 501(c)3 organization. Legally, She’s the First Chapters are independent of STF and function as donors to STF. In general, this should have no impact on how your chapter functions. From time to time, you may encounter a donor that requests a tax receipt for their donation. They will need to make their donation directly to She's the First in your name, as your chapter is not a legally recognized nonprofit organization. We do not recommend pursuing recognition of your chapter with the IRS as it is a costly and labor-intensive process.

+ What is STF’s EIN (Employer Identification Number)or tax ID number?

The EIN number, sometimes known as a "tax ID" number, of She's the First is 65-1321437. The EIN number can be found on the She's the First 501(c)3 document.

+ What does it mean to be an anti-oppressive and anti-racist organization?

As a feminist organization, She’s the First commits to anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices, including centering marginalized voices and actively working to create a more equal world. In order to achieve our vision of a world where all girls are educated, respected, and heard, we must recognize the intersections of power and privilege and actively work to ensure a safe and ever-more-equal environment for all of our community members.

We welcome anyone who is passionate about girls’ rights and autonomy to join the STF Community, and we commit to creating an inclusive, respectful, and dignified space.

Students of any gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, religion, or other form of identity should feel welcomed and respected at all times. We do not tolerate discrimination, racism, sexism, or harassment of any kind, and we ask that all Chapter Community members model and enforce these same standards. You can read our full statement and action plan here.

Chapter Basics

Chapter Renewal Form

+ What’s required from students to stay involved with STF Chapters?

  • By the end of the first semester and school year, all active chapters and members are required to fill out the Chapter Renewal Form. This is shared in April/May and November for you to update your chapter contact information, so we know who to contact for questions, updates, and chapter-wide announcements. This also denotes if your chapter plans to return the following year.
  • Send at least one representative to attend the STF Summit or a regional chapter event.
  • Host two fundraising or awareness events per calendar year.
  • Maintain at least one active chapter social media account (preferably on Instagram, Tiktok, or Twitter).

+ What information do we need to submit?

Usually, general questions of the renewal form will ask for the following information:

  • General chapter details: your school name, email, mailing address, number of members, and reach
  • Reporting on activities: info about the fundraisers/events you held that semester/year and renewal for next semester/year
  • Executive board information: any changes in the names and contact info for your chapter leadership
  • Looking ahead: questions about your plans, needs, and preferences for the upcoming semester/year

Chapter Operations

+ What should our chapter constitution, executive board, and meetings look like?

Check out the Chapter Starter Kit here for examples that will help your chapter run smoothly. You can find samples of a chapter constitution, officer positions, and a chapter meeting agenda.

As a chapter leader, we encourage you to structure your meetings and activities in whatever way makes the most sense for your chapter community. Chapter size, meeting frequency, executive board structure, etc. vary greatly from school to school. Choose the system that works best for you!

+ How do we expand our chapter with new members?

Whether you’ve just established your chapter or you’ve been around for years, recruiting new members should always be a priority for your chapter. Click here for information about how to find new members, keep people engaged, and have fun as a chapter.

Here are a few of our top tips:

Finding New Members

Think about where you would look if you wanted a club to join -- make sure your chapter is represented in your school’s club fair, on the student activities website, or posted on the campus bulletin board. Make it easy for members to find you, and you won’t even have to go looking for them!

Give Them a Warm Welcome

When someone new joins your chapter, make sure they know that their time is appreciated. Designate one or two officers to greet all newcomers as they arrive to your meetings and collect their contact information -- you never want someone to arrive at their first meeting, excited to get involved, only to leave unacknowledged by the other members of the group. While it can be tempting to have your executive board clustered together and talking amongst themselves before a meeting begins, make sure you use this time wisely to connect with other members.

When you’re stressing about members, remember former chapter leader Kara’s advice:

"Quality over Quantity! Don't be so concerned with recruiting a ton of members right away. Be patient and share your passion through personal conversations. Concentrate on igniting that passion in others, but don't get too caught up in hearing "No". Not everyone is going want to drop everything and join you, but that's okay because when you find the ones who do you will do amazing things together!”

+ When should my chapter elect new officers?

While there is no specific requirement for when new officers are selected, we recommend creating your officer terms on a calendar year (January-December) rather than a school year (August-June). Using the calendar year system, officers will be elected in November or December of each year. The executive board will conduct an officer transition in December or early January, and the new officer terms will officially begin in January of each year. This allows outgoing officers (often seniors) to continue to serve as a resource to new officers for their first few months before leaving the chapter.

Chapter Finances

+ How do we pay for chapter expenses?

First, if you are affiliated with a school, check to see if they provide funding for campus organizations and clubs. Members and officers should not feel obligated to cover out-of-pocket costs related to chapter events, so proceeds from events may be used to reimburse individuals for these costs relating to the event. All other profits will be donated to She’s the First. If you plan to reimburse members using some of the event funds, be sure to say “100% of profits” will support She's the First's work to fight for girls' rights and education worldwide rather than “100% of proceeds.”

+ Are chapters allowed to charge dues?

Yes, but chapter dues may not exceed $20 per person per semester, and you should never exclude a student who cannot afford to pay dues. Your school likely has funds already set aside for student programming or clubs, so be sure to apply for a budget if you are able to.

+ Are we required to have a bank account for our chapter?

No, you are not required to have a bank account for your chapter.

If you would like to open a bank account, please keep the following details in mind:

You must include your school/chapter’s name in the account name. Do not open an account under the name “She’s the First” or “She’s the First, Inc.” without your school or chapter name. You may not use the national EIN number (65-1321437) to open a bank account for your chapter. This number applies to the primary organization only.

Check with your school’s office first to see if they offer club banking before going to a standard local or national bank. If the school does not offer banking, ask if they can provide your chapter an EIN number to use at a private bank.

Remember that checks/donations from your chapter can be sent from an individual and still count towards your chapter. Simply deposit all cash/donations into one person’s account and have that individual write a check to She’s the First with your chapter information in the memo field of the check. Include the donation form to guarantee that your chapter is credited appropriately.


+ Can my chapter visit a She’s the First partner?

At She's the First, we encourage everyone with the means to travel to do so, to experience new cultures, ideas, and philosophies and deepen your understanding of the challenges and triumphs women and girls experience around the globe. We do not facilitate traveling to volunteer.

+ Can I start a project at a partner school, make a documentary about She’s the First, or profile an STF Student?

She the First appreciates your interest and support of our mission. At this time, we are unable to assist with projects outside of our current commitments. We encourage you to apply directly through the respective official channels to the programs and projects that interest you.

Graduation Cords

+ How can my chapter get graduation cords?

An order form will be sent to the executive board members of chapters who have met all the STF Chapter requirements. Keeping your chapter in good standing with STF can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Submitting your Chapter Renewal Form in April/May and November
  2. Sending at least one representative to the Summit each year

Making a Donation

+ How do we donate the money that we've raised to STF?

There are four recommended methods for sending in donations on behalf of a chapter:

  • Mail a Check: Convert all cash from fundraising events into one check representing the lump sum total to be donated. Checks can be written from an organization/chapter account, or from a student or adviser's personal bank account. Print and complete the Donation Form to include with your check and mail to:

She’s the First
590 Avenue of the Americas,
8th floor New York, NY 10011
United States

It is very important that you note the name of your chapter on the form; otherwise, your chapter may not get credit. You can also use this form to note any restrictions on how the funds are used. If you do not restrict the funds to a particular country, we will allocate where there is the most need. You will receive an email notification when your check has been received by the office. If you have not yet received an email notification, then we don’t have your check yet!

Note: For security purposes, please do not send cash donations through the mail.

  • Donate Via Credit Card: Make a donation online via credit card here . Please note that online donations have a processing fee.

Make sure to note your chapter name and use your chapter’s general email address as the donor email.

  • Paypal: Transfer your funds via Paypal (username:, using the “Sending to a friend” option to avoid the addition of extra fees. When you are hosting a fundraiser on campus, please use your own Paypal account (or your chapter's account) to collect donations from individuals rather than using the STF account. This will allow us to better track the lump sum total raised by your chapter and avoid confusing donations that are coming from multiple chapters at the same time.

+ What do we do if a donor to our chapter requests a tax receipt?

First, make sure that the donor understands that a tax receipt can only be issued if the donation is made directly to She's the First, not to your specific chapter, and tax receipts can not be issued retroactively by STF for donations already made directly to your chapter. See the details about 501(c)3 organizations above for more context on this.

If the donor has not yet made a donation and would like to receive a tax receipt, please instruct them to donate directly to the STF website and put your chapter's name in the memo field. They will receive a tax receipt automatically via email. If the donor wishes to write a check, follow this procedure:

  1. First, verify that the donation amount is over $250.00. The IRS does not require documentation for donations under $250.00

  2. Have the donor write their check to “She’s the First” without your chapter’s name. They should write your school/chapter name in the memo field.

  3. Download the Donation Form and include the donor’s details in the “Donor Information” section on page 1. On page 2, include your school/chapter name under “Acknowledgement Information.” The donor will receive a tax receipt from our office, and their check will be applied to your chapter’s fundraising total.

+ Do you accept school supplies, clothing, or other non-monetary donations?

Students supported by She’s the First programming are provided with school supplies, clothing, and other items necessary for their education. These items are purchased locally and support the communities they live in. Shipping non-monetary donations abroad can often be costly, difficult to track and mismatched to their needs. If you or your chapter is interested in collecting supplies, we recommend donating them to a local organization in need in honor of She’s the First.

Your Impact

+ What happens after we donate to She’s the First?

When you donate to She’s the First, we show you over the course of the year how your dollars are put to work. These updates are emailed to you quarterly—but if your inbox is a mess, have no fear! Please bookmark our Donor Portal to access your special updates as a She’s the First donor at any time.

**Here's what you can expect to receive:**
  • Girl Gazette: Twice a year, you receive a newsletter composed of essays, interviews, and art from girls who participate in the community-based organizations that STF funds. These girls volunteer to share their voices as part of their own advocacy efforts. After the pandemic, STF intends to help our partners translate and distribute The Girl Gazette in these girls’ schools and communities, to change attitudes and stereotypes people have about girls.
  • Donor Dashboard: In between The Girl Gazette, you receive data and notes from our Programs team. The Donor Dashboard helps you understand how your donations create systemic change for girls. You’ll learn what it takes to build stronger ecosystems for girls to succeed—because girls need more than a classroom and schoolbooks!
  • Annual Report: Once per year, She's the First publishes an Annual Report that provides a closer look at our financial statements, impact metrics, and achievements. You can expect to receive this report in late spring/early summer.

We know it's important to show your community what change looks like and how they have made an impact. You can do this by sharing The Girl Gazette, Donor Dashboard, and Annual Report when you receive them and by amplifying the stories of girls supported by our work that are shared on STF's social media accounts.

To better practice our anti-oppressive values, She's the First no longer matches donors to individual girls or girls' groups via "sponsorship". You can read more about what this means here.

+ What does our donation cover?

Your donation ensures girls everywhere are educated, respected, and heard by supporting She's the First in our two pillars of work: building coalitions of community-based organizations for girls’ power and engaging in girl-led advocacy.

We train, fund, and build resources for girls' organizations globally. When you select a specific country for your donation, your funds provide girls in that country with access feminist mentors, strong sexual and reproductive health and rights education, and programs designed for their unique needs. Learn more about our Partner Coalition here.

Our girl-led advocacy initiatives include campaigns like the Girls' Bill of Rights, the Discover Your Power Journal, and this chapters program!

Social Media and Communication

+ Will STF HQ promote my chapter's event?

Sometimes! If your chapter is hosting an event that you'd like us to share with the wider She's the First audience, you can send the event link to the STF Chapters Team at to be shared on STF socials as long as it meets the following criteria:

  1. The event is open to the general public
  2. The event is aligned with the goals and brand of She's the First (this is at the discretion of the STF staff)
  3. The event is solely hosted/sponsored by a recognized STF Chapter (i.e. co-hosted campus discussions or fundraisers benefiting multiple organizations will not be featured)

+ What is the best way to create a social media presence as a chapter?

She's the First was born on social media, and we fully believe in its ability to advance your chapter's mission and goals. Start by following @shesthefirst and other chapters on all social media platforms. You can use your accounts to share information about upcoming meetings, advertise your fundraisers, and promote relevant articles.

+ How can my chapter speak up about current global issues and events?

Your chapter is welcome and encouraged to speak up about events that affect girls’ rights in your community and globally. When you are publishing a statement or call to action on an issue that falls outside of the scope of STF’s programming (e.g., commenting on current events around racial justice, foreign conflict, laws/judicial decisions affecting girls and women, etc.), here are a few things in mind:

  1. Make sure your statement is authored by or attributed to your chapter or individual members of your chapter, rather than by “She’s the First” broadly
  2. Focus on how the event or issue affects girls’ rights and be mindful about alignment to STF’s mission.
  3. Be transparent about when fundraising efforts will benefit STF vs. other organizations, and make sure to only collect funds for trusted organizations.

Please note: If you are making a chapter statement, ensure you are not speaking on behalf of STF HQ and use your chapter name instead (STF Chapter Name).

+ Is there a branding style I need to follow?

The official She's the First colors are teal, coral, and yellow. Use these primary colors along with navy and gray in your chapter's graphics and advertisements. Match our official colors using the following color codes:

Coral: #F85756
Teal: #28CAC8
Yellow: #FDE545
Navy: #0B3059

For a more in-depth look at creating a social media strategy, check out our guide here.

+ Can my chapter use the STF logo on our social media accounts?

Your chapter should always use your personalized school logo on your social media accounts. You can find your chapter's logo here. Please refrain from using the main STF logo on any accounts.

+ Can my chapter use photos of students served by She's the First programming in our promotional materials?

To find pictures of students in She’s the First programs, visit our Flickr page here. You can also use the pictures and information about the girls featured in our quarterly impact updates, in newsletters, and on STF's social media. Remember to always use students’ first name only and give credit to the photographer listed in the photo's caption.

Keep in mind that most of the girls in the STF network are in secondary school (high school) and often use social media themselves. When you are sharing photos of girls who you do not personally know on social media, ask yourself the following questions before posting:

  • Would I be comfortable if a stranger shared this photo of me? Am I portraying the girl(s) in a way that is positive and empowering?
  • Am I using language that sounds like I am talking about a peer or a child? Does my caption include assumptions about the people/places pictured that are not actually depicted in the photo?
  • If the girl(s) pictured in this photo saw this post, would they feel proud?

Please note that the young girls pictured in this photo are not STF Students, and are not affiliated with any She's the First programs. This photo keeps popping up — we're not quite sure why! — but out of respect to the girls pictured, we ask that you do not use this photo in your materials.

Chapter Merchandise

+ Can we use the STF Logo for chapter merchandise?

When designing merchandise, you can use your chapter's logo or the main STF logo. Please keep in mind that:

Your chapter merchandise should have some school spirit! Any use of the STF main logo must be accompanied by your school/chapter’s name. The primary STF logo cannot be altered in any way. This includes changing the font, color, and formatting of the logo.

Please email to have your designs approved before placing an order.